
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Thursday, January 6, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day thirty-seven

Today was a good day. The postie brought me a parcel. And that made me squeak with joy. It was my sweet sweet new camera bag, a partial Christmas/birthday present from my Mumma and my sis (and also myself lol). I've been using my other one that I love and will still use for almost 2 years... it was handmade for me by Tanya Tindale and I think it's wonderful and she's so clever, but my gear just didn't fit anymore. Which is kinda a good thing because it means I have more gear ;-)

So anyway, my new (not so) little baby is a gorgeous Kelly Moore bag and it's a freaking tardis and I LOVE IT x a gazillion. It's huge. There's enough room for lots and lots of gear. And I love it. Oh yeah, I said that already.

So after I squeaked and squawked about my new bag to the postie (didn't get it), my kids (didn't care), my husbo (wondered if I was strong enough to carry it) I kinda realised that as a work-from-home-parent I don't have colleagues to bounce things off to. So I squawked to facebook.... And all my photographer friends DID get it (as well as my sisters - they always get me).
(I really must post a photo that shows it's actual size - another day. It's way huger than it looks.)

Today's blessing has absolutely nothing to do with a camera bag or facebook or posties or even my kids. Just a little something to remind you that (almost) every cloud has that elusive silver lining....

Chemotherapy sucks. Badly.
But on the plus side you don't have to shave your legs for months at a time. Or other parts I'm assuming, I didn't ask.

Edit> I've just been reminded that also mosquitoes don't like chemo blood. Win! Especially when you go camping on the Murray during peak flood water and there are a million of them around. (Thanks Brooke!)