
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-two

Yeah, the photo-a-day in January always includes a post about my birthday. Can't help it. But yes, yesterday was indeed my birthday, 11/1/11. Which is a truly awesome date, it has to be said. BUT, my niece gets an even better birthday date this year, 11/11/11. Yay to us!!

I was spoilt. And I loved it. We went out for dinner with a few friends and family. And I loved it. We ate Thai food until we almost exploded, and then forced down cheesecake for dessert. And I LOVED it. It was an ace birthday.

Thanks everyone for the wishes and love. It means more to know you were thinking of me yesterday than you'll probably ever know. I took your energy and flew high on it yesterday, and felt every loving thought. And I loved that too.



Katie Kolenberg said...

You are gorgeous, inside and out. xxxxx

lizzie said...

happy Mandy,happy Grandma- and John? just plain scared!

Lauren said...

oh she does too. 11/11/11 i didnt even realise. thanks for pointing that out!