
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Thursday, December 16, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day fourteen

Last day of kinder for Elliot. Forever and ever, no more. I thought I would be a mess, blubbering away, and yes I did shed a few tears, but held myself together surprisingly well.

Elliot, on the other hand, did not. He cried, no sobbed for 15 minutes straight. He was inconsolable. He'd been a bit sad in the lead up to kinder finishing, but nothing like this, and it shocked me!! After a while he started to calm down and then some of his gorgeous friends came out and said "Don't worry Elliot, we're going to see each other all the time next year!" and made him feel better. And I felt better because his friends are so wonderful and genuine. And then Mav told a joke and we all laughed and everything was ok.

Speaking to the teachers about it later they think it's because he's so damn smart. He KNOWS the ramifications of no more kinder. He knows that school is for the next 13 years and he'll be 18 by the time he finished. He knows too much. And that could also be the reason he is so reluctant to accept change. He always has trouble adjusting himself to change in anyway - if a tv show changes its timeslot, we get a new piece of furniture, he has to throw out undies that are too small (!!) he really struggles to deal with it.

Hopefully as he grows up he'll learn to cope a little better. No one wants to wear the same undies for all of eternity.