
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, December 31, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day twenty-nine

On Wednesday Elliot went to his friend's house for a play and to stay for dinner. It was originally supposed to be a sleepover but Elliot decided very early on that the sleepover part would not be happening. Which confused me because he has had sleepovers with cousins and aunties and grandparents many times and even though he has the usual mini-teary at bedtime he has never once knocked one back. So this threw me a little bit. When we talked about it he said he was worried they wouldn't have jam and honey for his toast in the morning, and that he worried that he wouldn't be able to watch his cartoons when he woke up. I guess partly he also knew that Kai goes to bed a bit earlier than he does and didn't want a bar of it ;-)

So while Elliot was out being sociable, Ivy slept for over 3 hours. And I lied on the trampoline and read my book. In peace. Until the mozzies started eating me. But I lay there and enjoyed the sun on my legs and my head and book in the shade and soaked up the quiet. Except for the mozzies buzzing past my ears. Yeah, except for that.