
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day twenty-two

After working on Tuesday night I came home at midnight dead tired and in desperate need for sleep. I stumbled through the house in the dark planning to go straight to bed - no checking facebook, no having a drink, no reading. Straight. To. Sleep.

Then I saw this sitting on the kitchen table, in the dark.

So of course I was intrigued as to what it was. Of course I had to turn on the light and have a sticky beak. And oh boy, what a trip I took!

It's Elliot's exit folder from child care. His last bastion of babyhood. He stopped going in about September, after he basically un-enrolled himself. He was only going once a week and that once a week was turning into a pain in the arse for both of us. He didn't want to go, he was bored, and he liked kinder better. I felt terribly guilty because all year I've been asking the teachers at child care to extend his learning as he was getting bored, and they'd just got to a place with him where they had set up an ongoing soccer style tournament and felt that they were starting to get him interested again. And then he quit. And I didn't fight it tooooo hard because, really, he's a smart boy and he knows his limits. What's the point of sending him at this stage when he's about to start school, he's getting his educational needs met at kinder, and his best friends are at kinder? It was becoming a drag. And he was getting sad and angry about going, which of course increases the mother guilt.

I quite liked having Tuesday afternoons KID FREE. Actually I more than liked it, I craved it. It was my one time a week when I had a decent stretch of alone time. I could get a heap of work done, and still have time for a nanna nap.

But I accepted his decision. He IS a smart boy, and for the most part makes good decisions, so I trusted him. I figured it would be nice also to have some one-on-one alone time before he started school. And even though I mostly still worked on Tuesday afternoons and occasionally had a nanna nap (that was the deal - he needs to deal with mummy still working/sleeping) we still hung out and did things just on our own every now and then.

And now that I've seen back through time is his chock-full folder of child care triumphs, I'm so glad that he's mine, all mine. He may have won a lot of hearts in his 4 years there, but they don't get to take him home at night and give him squishes, and tickles, and cuddles.

I'm going to miss him like air next year. But I might make sure he has a "mental health day" once a term that just happens to fall on Ivy's child care day ;-)