
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Thursday, January 13, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-four

We're on a toilet training mission. After a couple of pretend attempts and sometimes wearing undies and sometimes not, I decided that this week was as good as any to attempt the inevitable for real. So Monday was "the day" and we had a pretty average day. Most misses, and I think one hit. Then I went to work and Matt took over the shift... Ivy christened him with a poo from one end of the house to the other. And I was stuck at work and couldn't help, more's the pity.

But day 2 was very good, just one miss, including being out for dinner, so that was super.

Day 3 and she's nailed it, for sure. No mishaps at all, as well as a poo! My little superhero. We're up to day 4 now and I feel like I can relax a bit, and not have to count what she's up to. She's quite amazing really. And I'm so so proud of her.

So everytime she needs to go to the "tor-wet" we have a superhero run up the hallway all the way to the loo where she proudly exclaims that she can do it herself, wiggles onto the seat, does a wee and we cheer like mad things. Then she gets a star sticker.

She's my champion. She's so clever. And I love her squishy nappy-free bum.


Anne-Marie said...

What a champ!! Isnt amazing how quickly they pick it up.. (i say this as Miah just trotted past me telling me she needed to go to the toilet)

Narrelle said...

That's so awesome! I know how insanely proud you must be feeling for her right now.
Yay Ivy!!! :)