
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day thirteen

One thing I'm sad about losing, is my son's innocence. One time this year he was ribbed about wearing nail polish, to which Elliot came home from kinder and asked to have it taken off. It's the very first time I've seen him concerned about what other kids think about him, and succumb somewhat to peer pressure. Which I know is inevitable, and the fact that he got to 5 and a half before it bothered him is something that I am very proud of, as a mother. He is such an insightful little boy that when people say things like "boys don't wear nail polish" he just responds with something like, "Well, why not? I can if I want to". But it was still a dagger in my heart the day he came home and told me that. And I KNOW it only gets worse, and if wearing nail polish is the only thing he gets teased for, he'll come out of his schooling years relatively unscathed. But I wish his innocence wasn't stripped from him by other kids who have obviously had theirs stripped from them also.

SO, when one of his very best friends from kinder came over for a visit and Ivy and I were putting "colours" on our toes, the boys had no hesitation to have some on theirs. Because those 2 boys get each other. And they don't tease each other for wearing colours on their toes.

These 2 darlings finish are finishing kinder. Forever. And starting school together next year. I have NO doubt at all that they will be firm friends for a very long time to come. And that makes me so happy and grateful. To know that Elliot is embarking on his schooling years with a kind and caring soul beside him makes me so very glad.
I love how their t-shirts are colour co-ordinated with each other and their icecreams, heh heh.


Lauren said...

pmsl at elliot with his legs crossed. he looks so much like matt!!

Kathryn Van Kuyk said...

Oh Mandy that has to be the most beautiful story anyone has reported about my son and I am so proud he is a good friend to Elliott. Kai was teased too but was defiant and refused to ever take off his blue sparkly nail polish and now wears the green you painted with pride!

Anonymous said...

Mands, I totally hear you. I always give stickers out to my Kindy kids after class... the little boys are just as likely to go for the princess and love-heart stickers as the girls. Social conditioning sucks, I'll be sad for the little fellas when they feel like they can't ask for the Princess Ariel stickers anymore...

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me (Layla).

Pam Bradford said...

Lovely. I relate to this story on so many levels.