
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, December 31, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day thirty

For the first time since The Sales started Ivy and I hit the shops. I'm not much of a Sales person, I can think of nothing worse and more panic-inducing than lining up to crowd into Myer at 6am on Boxing Day *shudder* No. Thanks. Not. Ever.

But, I do enjoy slow browsing just wondering. Especially on my own. But my second favourite person to shop with is Ivy. She doesn't complain (unlike her brother), doesn't have a timeline (unlike her father), and I can go into the shops that *I* want to go into for as long as I like. There wasn't a heap of specials to be had in the places I was looking - I was wanting to top up the kids wardrobes with basics - but still managed to pick up a few things. One of which was a rainbow skirt for Ivy. It was perfect. So her. And it matches her rainbow sandals. And I'm concerned that I'll never ever ever be able to get he to wear anything else.
(Excuse the child surrounded by bras. God knows why I took the photo there. She kept looking at all the bras saying "boobies Mummy, look at all these boobies!")


Melissa Stampa Photography said...

LOVE Ivy's rainbow skirt. I've also noticed little Upsy Daisy having featured in a few photos now - she must be very precious.

Pam Bradford said...

Can't blame her. I want a skirt like that too.