
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, December 31, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day twenty-seven

After a busy couple of days and one feral child and one tired child, we spent a blissful day at home. Doing nothing. It was peaceful. It was quiet. It was just what we needed. Playing with new toys and discovering just how much the children had been given from Santa and relatives.

Ivy had been given a box of dress-ups by my Mum, and it was topped up on Boxing Day with such treasures as those revolting plastic shoes, earrings and tiaras. All the usual stuff that sends little girls wild. Ivy was happy to wear the shoes briefly and then preferred to play with the jewellery box she got instead, putting her "jewels" into and out of it repetitively. I have to admit I was quietly a teensy bit pleased that she wasn't super interested in the princess dresses or barbie outfits. And preferred to wear the shoes with her tracky pants. It's nice to have her as a baby a little bit longer. As I have no doubt that the princess phase is not far away.


Anne-Marie said...

LOL Miah got the same thing, a set with 4 pairs of plastic heels and a tiara :/ she has strict instructions they arent leaving the house EVER.

Tina said...

Ha, Maya got the exact same box of shoes. tiara and jewllery! She clomps around our hardwood floors and wakes her baby sister up.

She certainly didn't get her shoe-love from her mama; that girl-gene passed right by me and perfum-love caught me instead. *shrug*