
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, January 21, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day fifty-one

This summer project has been really good for me. On most days, I can take stock of the bad and replace it with a whole bunch of good. Yesterday I couldn't. I couldn't cope with Ivy pooing in her pants one more moment. I couldn't cope with the messy house. The washing. Putting the grocery shopping away. The children under my feet. I wanted to escape.

While I was out and about doing a bit of shopping I bought myself a new CD. It's been a long time since I bought a CD without listening to it first, but this particular group I'd heard of 3 years ago (actually I read about them for the first time in Rolling Stone magazine May 2008, just after giving birth to Ivy) and yesterday someone posted a link on Facebook that reminded me of them. So I went and bought their CD, without hearing it, without knowing what it sounded like, but knowing for certain that I would love it.

And I did.

I listened to it in the car on the way home, and was singing away fairly quickly. Then I put it away when I got home and forgot about it while I did my usual thing at home. And then things started getting on top of me again, and by the time Matt got home from work I was seriously ready to admit myself into some kind of home for the mentally unstable. And he saw my CD, and asked me to put it on. Then we ate dinner outside in the amazing night air (the mozzies feasted too) while listening to the gorgeous sounds of Zooey singing her little heart out. And  it made everything ok again.