
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, January 21, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-nine

After Emma spent the night here on Monday night, both her and Elliot went home to her house for a sleepover on Tuesday. Which meant that when her mum and dad and brother came to pick them up and have dinner it was a rather lively and chaotic affair. I always start to feel a bit claustrophobic and panicky when our house is full of people, because it's quite a small living area and also quite closed off. Add to that 4 kids pulling out every toy in the house, then yes, the jitters start to set in. Where Emma is quiet and studious, her little brother is a destructro-bot, a loud bundle of energy and laughs. At one point it all got a bit too much for Ivy too, and she started throwing a tanty about something (not unusual) and pulled her standard cranky face at us. When all the other kids joined in, it was too good a photographic opportunity to pass up. So even though the photo is crap, using onboard flash etc, it's pretty much a perfect moment to me.
And that, right there, is Ivy's ANGRY FACE.


Anne-Marie said...

Oh this photo is total GOLD. And Miss Ivy you are so going to regret that on your 21st! Thanks for the giggle :)