
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, January 21, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day fifty

Anyone who has sisters know what kind of special bond you have with them. You can get angry, and then laugh joyously. You can cry together. You support each other. As you grow up, the sisters you fought with tooth and nail as a teenager (yes, we did) become your very best friends and allies in all the world. They would do anything for you, any time. And you know it.

I'm lucky to have 2 sisters. And while we are different and similar at the same time, we each know for a fact that there is not a thing on this planet that can keep us apart. As much as we annoy the crap out of each other, that fierce and unrivalled love and loyalty towards each other will never, ever be broken.

My family are the centre of my universe. My sisters are like my sun, always guiding me in the right direction. I bounce ideas off them on a regular basis. I share everything with them. They are my best friends. I feel so lucky that Mum and Dad had some kind of weird girl gene thing happening. And as much as I wanted a little brother when I was growing up, there is not a damn thing in the world that make me trade any part of the family I have.
(My awesome sisters bought me a new toy for my birthday, a Fuji Instax 210, which I christened with a photo of us. Out of focus. Nice.)