
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty

Elliot is OBSESSED with football. Those of you who know him can well and truly testify to his obsessiveness. He is a tragic Collingwood supporter and is perpetually running out of black textas due to his Collingwood pictures (that never seem to end). Because of that I ordered 24 black ONLY textas for him from the States (via Brooke's mom, yay!) which makes him, and me, happy.

However, because he is so obsessed, he insisted that we go home from the beach past Kardinia Park/Skilled Stadium in Geelong. We left the beach late, everyone was tired and hungry but we went to KP anyway. And Mummy (who is a Geelong supporter, but hasn't been to KP for over a decade) got an awesome surprise when we discovered the new(ish) Premiership Stand and it's display of premiership cups that are viewable from the OUTSIDE!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! I made Elliot pose with me, but he just looked frightened of Mummy's excitedness, so you can just have photos of me instead.
(Actually I think Ivy looks kinda scared too.)


Bette said...

She can see what lies ahead..if you are a good girl I will take you there to dinner!!