
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Saturday, January 15, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-six

My hubs does a lot of things that drive me crazy. Like cleaning the toilet when we need to go out somewhere and we're running late. Like folding the towels in a way that makes them not fit in the cupboard. Like getting angry at inanimate objects. Like vacuuming at 10pm. Like not knowing how to buy things online or pay a bill. And he doesn't call his family enough.

But who's husbo doesn't do things that drive their wives crazy??

I don't complain too much or too loudly, because for the most part he's a pretty awesome dude. He's a loving and attentive dad. He's tidy and clean. He's a doer and if he can't do something he'll try (except for paying bills online). He cleans my house better than I can. We have a cleaning arrangement... he does the vacuuming and bathrooms and I do the cooking and the washing. But it's more than just "my jobs and your jobs", he picks up my slack OFTEN.

And he mows the lawns when I promised 8.5 years ago that I would. And that is the blessing of today. Because there is no way on earth I'd be wanting to push the mower around in the heat up and down the hills. Not a chance.

Thanks pish. Love ya a million x


Pam Bradford said...

Wow...I just discovered this blog and I've just read every. single. post. From day one. That says alot. Well done!