
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Saturday, January 15, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-five

With the insane amount of wet weather this whole country has had, it goes without saying that I'm getting a bit of cabin fever. The kids are happy just veging out in front of the telly, and for the most part I'm happy for them to do that too. But yesterday enough was enough. The BOM radar said the state was covered with rain, it looked set in for the whole day, so I bundled the kids up and we went shopping. Big deal you say? Yes, it most certainly is a big deal for me. Elliot hates shopping. And Ivy is toilet training... Big. Deal. We had lunch and a general wander around at Norfies for a few hours... And when we left the shops to go home the sun was shining. And that made me happy.

Crappy phone photo today. But I think you'll agree it's still pretty special ;-)
(At Typo. One of Mummy's favourite shops. And apparently now Elliot's because he can use all the textas and pens!)