
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-three

Sometimes it's easy to forget that the little things beneath our feet and in our plants are living, breathing, feeling creatures. As a vegetarian, I do try to be mindful for my impact on the animal world. I'd rather shoo a fly out the door, or catch a spider and release it, and use humane traps for mice so I can release those too (except for mosquitoes, they can die). I try hard. In this weather we've had a lot of snails on our front path, and when I walk on the path at night, in the dark, sometimes my big ugly feet are just not able to avoid them. I try as I hard as I can to miss them, but sometimes I just don't. And I always feel terrible afterwards.

Yesterday for my birthday, I was given some extension tubes to turn my normal lenses into macro lenses. I don't do a heap of macro photography, but sometimes I do get the urge to do a close-up of something, and it frustrates me no end that the lenses I have are completely incapable of capturing those images. So the extension tubes are a relatively inexpensive way for me to get my fix. Today I thought I would test out my new toys on some little snails. When I first went outside there wasn't one to be found, which is ODD because they are everywhere at the moment, and then eventually I saw one meandering down the path.

I didn't know snails were see-through-ish. Or had eyeballs on the end of their antennae things. Their shells are very intricate. They are actually kind of cute, in a slimy way. They're alive. And the only hardship they bring to us humans is to nibble on our plants. So we squash them, or poison them. How sad.

Take a vow, that tomorrow you won't harm a living creature. You won't kill the fly. Or the spider. Maybe you'll have a vegetarian day? Don't squash the snail. Be kind to yourself and your planet.


Hazel Sinclair said...

Beautiful photos. I always try to avoid stepping on snails but I actually stepped on one in bare feet in the early hours of this morning while trying to chase away the cat that was fighting with Monty. Poor little guy.

louise said...

i've always liked snails. hate slugs, even though a snail sans shell is the same, but still hate slugs.
and i knew snails had eyes on their stalks...