
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, January 21, 2011

PostHeaderIcon day forty-seven

So, I guess I should have known that $5 shoes, that have a wooden heel, and are basically a plastic upper, would be like death to feet. Probably. Any normal human would know that, right. But sheer vanity and photographic willpower made me wear them on Sunday and I traipsed from one end of Melbourne to the other and back again in them, all in the name of awesome photos. (I just googled it, it's a 5km round trip.)

So the reason I did this insane amount of walking in ridiculously cheap and uncomfortable shoes? Some time ago, this awesome chick and I used to do some 2nd shooting for another photog. Hannah has her own photography business and resides in Sydney, so since we stopped working together on a semi-regular basis we don't get to see each other anymore. So when she came down for a little visit and asked if I could take some new profile photos for her I was thrilled and jumped at the chance. And then she offered to reciprocate, and I was thrilled and I jumped at the chance lol.

We each had our own ideas of what we wanted, and we worked really well together to find locations, get the shot, and find some time for gasbagging and a catch up as well. All in all I certainly had a most fab day.

So even though my feet felt like worn down stumps by 7pm when we called it a day, it was worth every single second, to hang out with this gorgeous lady, and photograph her and be photographed by her.


Unknown said...

Gorgeous shot of a gorgeous gal Mandy!