
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day twenty-four

Ahhh, the Christmas Eve manic panic. A stack of cooking required by me this year. On Christmas Eve I turned out: sugar cookies (well cooked them on the 23rd and iced them on the 24th), tomato and basil pasta salad and mini chocolate meringue tarts. YUM to all of the above.

This year besides the usual inside present division Santa decided to get the kids a trampoline so there was much banging and crashing and cursing as the thing was put together. THANKFULLY he had enlisted the help of an extra pair of hands with tools in the shape of Grandpa John, but even still it was a late night.

For some reason I didn't take any photos of the food for Santa and the reindeer this year as I usually do, I think I was just in such a rush to get the kids to bed. But Santa was left a glass of milk, some peppermint chocolate and a handful of grapes. Interesting combo. And Luna really really liked the milk. Due to supplies of carrots etc being low in our fridge the reindeer this year had to settle for oats and hand-picked grass (weeds lol) and we weren't sure if they liked to eat flowers or not so we put one of those in too.

After the kids went to bed Matt and I watched A Very Specky Christmas this year. Normally I insist on the Carols. Family tradition and all that. I have very strong and wonderful memories of watching the Carols in NSW with my cousins and thinking it was just the bees knees. It's taken me a long 20 years or so to realise they are actually very very boring. So this year we boycotted. Well, they went back on after Spicks and Specks but didn't pay much attention to it.

Made sure I also watched the Santa tracker online eagerly, and as soon as Santa hit Townsville around 12:30 or so, knew it was time to get into bed quick smart, lest the fat man decides to skip us......

Merry Christmas xox