
Follow me on my new journey of love, light and laughter during the Summer of 2010/2011 and beyond.

New dreams, new ideas, and new perspectives.
Friday, December 3, 2010

PostHeaderIcon day two

So far so good - 3 days ago (by the time I write this it's actually 4) I stopped taking my anti-depressant medication. It wasn't a premeditated decision, but one that I had been giving some thought to. I just ran out and didn't go back and get some more. I don't want to put all the pills in my body any more. I've decided to go down the natural route, one that I haven't tried in a long long time. The last time I tried a remedy from a naturopath I had to dissolve an egg in a glass of lemon juice (so all the calcium leached into the juice), let it sit in the juice for a few days and then drink it. Understandably it *soured* my view for some time (ha!). This time I'm going to try some fish oil and possibly some bee pollen.

So, 3 days in and my side effects or withdrawals have been fairly minor, much less than I expected. I have tingly lips though, which is bizarre, and some dizzy spells that have been a bit frightening. But other than that I feel pretty good. My anxiety is controllable and my moods are ok. So far ;-)

So after 2.5 years of chemicals, it's time to say farewell. Farewell to the drugs, farewell to the PND, farewell to the old me. And a big fat HELLOOOOOOO to a brand spankin new version of me, ready to hit 2011 full steam ahead.